Gender Equality

South America Planet promotes gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Women at SOUTH AMERICA PLANET make up a significant percentage of the workforce. At SOUTH AMERICA PLANET, differences in salary and/or training opportunities between men and women DO NOT APPLY. SOUTH AMERICA PLANET offers women the same job opportunities in its organization as men.

Women and girls make up half of the world’s population and therefore half of its potential. Gender equality, in addition to being a fundamental human right, is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and capable of developing sustainably. 👍😎⛰🇵🇪
The National Gender Equality Policy is the best tool we have to promote equal rights and opportunities for women in Peru. In addition, it is proven that the empowerment of women stimulates productivity and economic growth. 👍💙✔️
It is essential to eradicate all acts of discrimination that women face and that prevents them from fully exercising their rights. ✋💜


1/Amazing Holidays Tours

RUC : 20600751850

2/America Trek SAC

RUC :20600794737

Office Cusco, Perú

  • CALLE SAN AGUSTIN #307/ OFF. 116 dept. F/ Operations + Trekking
  • Tel: +51 84 251145
  • Google Maps

Customer service

  • Office: Monday to Friday. Saturday till 1pm – Sunday closed.
  • Business hours: 8 AM to 1 PM and 4 PM to 8 PM.

Contact information

Emergency number

  • Cel phone: (+51) 984 112 504
  • WhatsApp: (+51) 984 577 011

Certified company


Tour Location

Gender Equality
