Maras – Moray – Chinchero+ waterfall Poc Poc, tour with 2 hikes

Only in private, prive based on minima 2 persons, price each person


This is a wonderful day tour from Cusco, for people who want to combine visits with activity. You will visit the beautifully situated circles of Moray, the salt pans of Maras and the ruins / church of the inca-weaving village of Chinchero.

In this tour we take 2 walks away from tourism in beautiful nature.

  • 1 To the waterfall of Chinchero Poq –Poq
  • 2 To the salt pans of Maras.

Only possible in private!

All this is located in the beautiful sacred valley, surrounded by high snowy mountains. On the way we enjoy a delicious pic nic lunch in the great outdoors.


  • Guided excursion in English.
  • Lunch Box.
  • Transfers.
  • Entrance ticket BTG  to the ruins.


  • Drinks and Tips.
  • Travel Insurance – You are strongly recommended to take out travel insurance for the duration of your trip.

What do we need when you make a reservation?

  • Full name as it is written in your passport.
  • Scanned copy of your passport.
  • Departing date for the trail.
  • We ask for a 40% deposit, sending to us  via visa or Pay Pall online through this website:+5,5 %  or Wetravel 4,5 % (cost credit cards charge us) The balance you will pay at our office in Cusco before the start of the trek. We accept cash USD or credit card (+5,5%)
Full Day
5+ Age
  • Destination

  • Departure

    Ruins, Ica | Altitude: 2050 – 4200 m. / 6730 – 13780 f
  • Dress Code

    Casual, comfortable athletic clothing, hat and light jacket.

Full Day :

First we drive in private car to Chinchero (about 30 km from Cusco). The city is located at 3,765 meters above sea level. You have a great view over the Sacred Valley. Chinchero has impressive stone walls and streets and a colonial church. Chinchero Church dates back to colonial times, but is built on Inca building blocks, with beautiful terraces surrounding it.

After a short visit we walk in 40 Min to the unknown waterfall of Poc poc over an authentic piece of inca trail. This waterfall is hidden, it is 25 meters high and is rarely visited. The walk to it is already worth it! Poc Poc is located at 3600 mt. The cold water of this waterfall feeds the Urubamba River. The wide stretch of Inca trail part, paved with Inca cobbles, takes us through the forests and valleys full of memories of how the Incas once lived.

Afterwards we climb back to our private transport and drive in 1 h direction Moray. On the way we look for a beautiful pic nic place in the open nature, where we can have our delicious lunch box.

After lunch we visit Moray one of the most interesting of the Inca constructions – said to be an agricultural laboratory. The terraced complex has the shape of an amphitheater. This was the ideal place for the Incas to experiment with plant species at different heights.

After this visit we return to the old village of Maraswhere our second hike starts. The hike starts from behind the church of Maras, (descending only) in 35 min to the salt pans of Maras. On this hike we enjoy the beautiful snowy peaks (Apus) of the sacred valley. There are few tourists along the way (on the salt pans there are !). Thousands of salt pans have been in use since the Inca times. Salt water flows out of the ground and is collected in basins that dry up in the sun and deposit the salt on the surface. The salt is collected and sold on the local market.

From the salt pans we descend further for 35 min to Pichingote, where our private transport is waiting for us. After this day tour we return to Cusco, or we are dropped off in Ollantaytambo railwaystation, to take the late afternoon train to Aquas calientes, or we are dropped off at our hotel in the sacred valley, after a beautiful day, full of variety.

Tour Location

History Of The City

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Tour Review Scores And Score Breakdown


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Maras – Moray – Chinchero + Waterfall Poc Poc
